Danielle Mayabb

full-stack developer | generalist | information architect | accessibility engineer

Hello! I'm Danielle. I make things for the web (and beyond). I'm passionate about building accessible and well-designed applications. My combined background in the arts, information science, and engineering has helped me form an empathetic and user-focused approach to development. I currently work for state government using a varied tech stack (mostly .NET and SQL, plus other bits-and-bobs), and I do hobby projects mostly in the JAMstack.

what I'm working on

danielle-dev website with dark mode turned on


A personal site to highlight my web development skills and work

Screenshot of detail page for Nevada Legislative Manual, part of Research Content pages

LCB Research Division Content

Gatsby project to auto-generate pages for Prismic-backed Research Division content

Screenshot of NELIS theme site showing colors, menu, and components

NELIS Bootstrap theme

Complete redesign of the menuing and UI of our most critical application